This is a trial class for the course Jyotish Praveena (Basic Astrology Course). The complete course is of a one-year that focuses on Vedic Astrology.
This is the oldest of all the branches of astrology, and it is still widely practised today in modern Indian society. In this course, we will learn Jyotish (which means “the science of light”), or what we often refer to as Vedic Astrology, a practice that is believed to be about 6000 years old!
The course covers basic astronomy such as astronomical facts around the planets, casting the horoscope and fundamental knowledge into understanding the Zodiac signs and houses.
At the end of your studies, you will have a good understanding of the significance within everything that makes up your zodiac sign as well as how to more thoroughly analyze your horoscope using many tools available to practitioners today like transits and Dashas.